Citizens' Climate Lobby SF Climate Week: Rising Costs & Climate Change
5:00 PM17:00

Citizens' Climate Lobby SF Climate Week: Rising Costs & Climate Change

As part of SF Climate Week, Citizens' Climate Lobby SF is hosting “Rising Costs & Climate Change: Policy Solutions for Affordable Decarbonization” on Monday, April 21, from 5:00–7:00 PM at Manny’s near the 16th Street BART station. The discussion will explore strategies to lower emissions and energy costs in California, along with key climate and energy bills in the current legislative session.

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NAYGN & NEI Hill Day 2025
to May 22

NAYGN & NEI Hill Day 2025

On April 24, Net Impact, in partnership with PG&E, is hosting “Plugging into the Future: Decarbonizing California’s Energy Grid”, an SF Climate Week event that will explore visions to decarbonize California’s energy system, with speakers across the public policy and energy spaces. The forum will discuss the latest nuclear legislation, opportunities, challenges, and solutions.

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NxTX 2025
to Mar 11

NxTX 2025

On March 9, from 11:00 AM - 3:00 PM (CDT), the Texas Nuclear Alliance is hosting a conference, NxTX 2025, aimed at uniting Texas policymakers, regulators, investors, technology developers and thought leaders on nuclear reform.

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Nuclear for Australia Miss America Tour (5/5) - Sydney
6:00 PM18:00

Nuclear for Australia Miss America Tour (5/5) - Sydney

Nuclear engineer and Miss America 2023 Grace Stanke continues her tour of Australia, aiming to overturn the ban on nuclear and organized by Nuclear for Australia, with her fifth and final speech on February 5, at 6 PM, in Syndey (venue TBD). She will be accompanied by 4 other speakers commenting on the Australian nuclear ban.

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Nuclear for Australia Miss America Tour (4/5) - Adelaide
6:00 PM18:00

Nuclear for Australia Miss America Tour (4/5) - Adelaide

Nuclear engineer and Miss America 2023 Grace Stanke continues her tour of Australia, aiming to overturn the ban on nuclear and organized by Nuclear for Australia, with a speech on February 4, at 6 PM, in Adelaide (venue TBD). She will be accompanied by 2 other speakers commenting on the Australian nuclear ban.

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Nuclear for Australia Miss America Tour (3/5) - Melbourne
6:00 PM18:00

Nuclear for Australia Miss America Tour (3/5) - Melbourne

Nuclear engineer and Miss America 2023 Grace Stanke continues her tour of Australia, aiming to overturn the ban on nuclear and organized by Nuclear for Australia, with a speech on February 1, at 6 PM, in Melbourne (venue TBD). She will be accompanied by 3 other speakers from the nuclear and academic spaces.

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The New Age of Nuclear Advocacy Panel
2:00 PM14:00

The New Age of Nuclear Advocacy Panel

Join us on Thursday, December 5, from 2:00 - 3:00 PM Eastern, for an online panel event, “The New Age of Nuclear Advocacy”, exploring the best ways to achieve nuclear policy goals in 2025 and beyond. Speakers include Kristin Zaitz, Dr. Robert Hayes, Jenifer Avellaneda Diaz, Ryan Pickering, and Renee Johnston of Nuclear Matters, who organized the event.

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Atom Aid Livestream Fundraise - Generation Atomic
11:00 AM11:00

Atom Aid Livestream Fundraise - Generation Atomic

On December 3, at 11:00 AM central, Generation Atomic is hosting a virtual fund-raising event featuring several speakers from various pro-nuclear organizations. The event aims to celebrate the work of Generation Atomic and their allies, pushing for clean energy. Paris Ortiz Wines of Stand Up for Nuclear will appear at 12:00 PM as a featured guest.

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Paul Murphy Nuclear Economics Webinar
11:00 AM11:00

Paul Murphy Nuclear Economics Webinar

NICE Future Initiative and the International Youth Nuclear Congress (IYNC) are collaborating to deliver a Zoom webinar on the economics of nuclear energy, led by Paul Murphy.

It will explore the financial and economic factors of nuclear as nuclear is set to play a key role in the global transition to a low carbon economy.

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Stand Up for Nuclear Event- Portugal
3:00 PM15:00

Stand Up for Nuclear Event- Portugal

In partnership with our allies at Nuclear Vision Portugal, we invite you to a Stand Up for Nuclear Event to raise awareness about the benefits of nuclear energy and its key role in combatting climate change. At the event, advocates will host international speakers, provide informational material on energy and nuclear’s role, and distribute some cool nuclear merch.

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YOUNGO Nuclear Week
to Sep 13

YOUNGO Nuclear Week

Hosted by various working groups of the UNFCCC Youth Constituency (YOUNGO), Nuclear Week is a a series of thought-provoking webinars created and led by youth alongside industry experts to provide a holistic assessment on the state of nuclear energy in 2024. We invite you to attend the 5 day event.

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Nuclear Used Fuel Community Workshop - Chicago
9:30 AM09:30

Nuclear Used Fuel Community Workshop - Chicago

At this nuclear used fuel / “nuclear waste” workshop, members of the community can engage in a thoughtful dialogue on the future of nuclear waste in the United States. Environmentalists, tribal leaders, and nuclear experts will attend and there will be opportunities to give feedback to the Department of Energy.

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WNA World Nuclear Performance Report Webinar - Advocate Only
9:00 AM09:00

WNA World Nuclear Performance Report Webinar - Advocate Only

This webinar will be a special briefing, for nuclear advocates only, on the World Nuclear Performance Report, from the World Nuclear Association (WNA). The report, the 9th of its kind, is an authoritative industry analysis of global nuclear energy output, performance, and new construction for the past year.

During the webinar, WNA’s Director General Sama Bilbao y León and Lead for Climate Dr. Jonathan Cobb, will discuss the report results. Past reports, like the 2023 report, can be found on the WNA website. They are full of case studies, data charts, and country profiles.

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Klimavenner for Kjernekraft - Nuclear Energy Lecture at Arendaluska
3:00 PM15:00

Klimavenner for Kjernekraft - Nuclear Energy Lecture at Arendaluska

Our Norweigan friends at, Klimavenner for Kjernekraft, invite you to a lecture on the future of nuclear power in Sweden! Speakers will include Carl Berglöf, a national nuclear power coordinator for the Swedish government, and Fabian Sjöberg, the mayor of Östhammar municipality, who will provide insight on how the local population who live near the Forsmark nuclear power plant is positive about the power plant.

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